1. Download the OpenVPN Connect application from the Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.openvpn.openvpn
2. On your phone's web browser, navigate to your proxy license page and download the OPENVPN PROFILE under the VPN Profiles tab.
Note: If you have trouble connecting with the (UDP DEFAULT) profile, try our (UDP ALTERNATIVE) instead.
3. Locate the file you downloaded (you should see a .zip file) on your phone and extract it; you can extract to your Downloads folder, or another location if preferred.
4. Open the OpenVPN Connect application, then switch to the Upload File tab. Select Browse, navigate to the extracted folder, and select BOTH the included .ovpn and .conf files. Select OK to complete the import.
5. After importing the profile, press Connect.
6. You do not need a client certificate, so just tap Continue when prompted for the certificate.
7. You should now be successfully connected to the VPN.