1 - Log into your account directly
Upon completed purchase of a proxy license, you will receive an email with a username and password for the MobileHop proxy portal. Connect to MobileHop's proxy portal https://portal.mobilehop.com/login and input the username and password.
Upon login, you will be shown what proxy licenses are assigned to your account, as well as to what location (if any) the license is connected.
βWhen your proxy license is created, by default it will not be connected to a location.
Click on the proxy license ID (circled above), and you will be taken to the proxy license page. This will provide you with a list of locations available for connection. After connecting to a location, you will see all the information required for you to connect your device to the proxy via VPN profiles, HTTP, and Socks5 (see our recommendations).
2 - Jump from the Billing Portal to the Proxy Portal
In the event that you cannot find your login credentials, or you'd just like to quickly jump from the billing portal into your proxy portal, you can click the Manage button on your order, then click the View Proxy Details button (if your subscription is active).