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TCP Fingerprint Spoofing
Gary Chaboya avatar
Written by Gary Chaboya
Updated over 3 months ago

Our TCP Fingerprint Spoofing tool allows you to mask your device so that the proxy and OS look like a match to online services that are starting to look at additional fingerprints outside of browser/user-agent fields. Internally, we use to check that the fingerprint and OS match. Note that TCP Fingerprint Spoofing only works over HTTP or Socks5 connections in Verizon locations; it does not work over VPN connections or in AT&T locations.

  1. From your proxy license page, you will see a TCP Fingerprint Spoofing bar where you can set your TCP Fingerprint as a Linux/Android or macOS/iOS or Windows device.

  2. When your TCP Fingerprint is set, you will see a message letting you know the fingerprint was applied with the OS of your choosing.

​Note: The TCP Fingerprint tool requires our V3 proxy image. If the V3 image is not installed, you will see the following response:

If you ever see this response, contact our help desk through the chat bubble and paste a screenshot of the error into chat, and one of our engineers will update your proxy to the latest version. This takes around 10 minutes on average.

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